
Monday, 21 October 2013

Spelling Word For Week 2

We had spelling words given to us along with a task. I decided to my spelling words into sentences and try to make them interesting

The rhythm advanced to a rapid base captivating the silence of the crowd sending them hurtling into a frenzy.

The bicycle spun out of control swerving to the left the throwing the rider of into the creek.

Enunciation became a difficult world for children to pronounce as the reached a new spelling level.

The statistics climbed to towering height as it became evident that the children in New Zealand were being influenced by adults eating junk food.

Cemetery :
Rumours haunted the cemetery  about ghosts tempting the people fold luring them to their deaths.
Onomatopoeia :
Onomatopoeia was something that slipped in unnoticed into story exciting the audience

Procession was a word that the teacher had to explain to the class.

Pronunciation  was becoming difficult to spell even for the year 7’s

Resolvement :
Who knows what resolvement means?

Humanity was the whole human kind

Them meal was absolutely scrumptious as we dined at the famous French place.

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