
Monday, 11 February 2013

Build Ups

Build ups are positive things you know you can say to cheer someone up!


  1. Dear Mavis,

    I totally loved your build ups if someone said that to me I would have tears of happiness, I have to say the build up I loved the most was probably the one with the puppy saying 'Who's awesome (You're Awesome). Maybe next time you can give more build up actions.
    But you're slideshow was wonderful

  2. I totally loved your build ups! if someone said that to me I would just say I know who that reminds me of now!!! I have to say, the best build up I thought was pretty cool, was the puppy one. I mean it's facial is so awesome. Maybe next time, you could show us how to show those actions and write a clearer description about what it is!

  3. Mavis,
    That was a very positive post, I loved all the words that you included to build someone up. Now I know what words can make someone smile. Great Work Mavis Keep up the cool post!

    Faith ;)

  4. Hi Mavis.
    What an awesome presentation you have made. This is a very positive post you have created. I love the powerful words you have included to build someone up. I just love it. Well done Mavis. Keep up the great work. ;)!!!!
