
Friday, 14 June 2013

Missing Past - Writing Sample

Like others I had to post my finished piece of writing. This piece of writing started when we did our writing sample test. We were given a prompt our prompt was;
I heard scratching but I couldn't see through the darkness

Night time started to swallow my house as I sat hunched over my laptop. My fingers slapping each letter I touched. I cringed at what I had wrote about. My ancestor were cruel devils,nothing but people who tortured and decided that they were the one’s on top. I stopped. Well ain’t that true? I panicked as a reminder popped up onto the right hand corner of my laptop. 20 MINUTES TO GO UNTIL YOU SEND IN YOUR ASSIGNMENT! That was that. Panic and tiredness loomed over me like a dark hidden creature.

I felt a sudden pinch at my neck. Sending ice through my spine. I heard scratching but couldn’t see through the darkness. My eyes rolled back as I crawled to my bed. Darkness as pitch black as midnight had drowned out the light.

More and more scratching haunted me as I recovered from my sudden panic. I stood up heaving myself past small ,muddy and  brown  shacks. Fires cackled with laughter as I walked past. Something grabbed at me snatching at my fragile glass heart.A foreign language was whispered around me as if it was a rumor to secretive to share.

Surprise tackled me as a small child came up to me and muttered
An aching pain screamed somewhere in my body. Tears flooded the banks of my eyes. Frustration drowned out clear thoughts. Loving kindness had been ripped away from me. My future had inhaled a walloping  amount of poison.

I cried out begging to the sky. Black cargo shorts,a white hallenstein t-shirt and a NSW hat had exposed itself to my eyes. For days we’d been searching for him. For weeks we’d been praying. For months we’d been hoping and for years we've been mourning. 12 years ago two 3 year old  went missing after a desperate attempt of finding a good place to hide.
Those two kids were Me and that  boy in front of me. He was a stranger to me now he was 15 and so was I. Something was missing from this puzzle of the past. After a minute or so I remembered what it was. It was who he was that was missing. I was a plain person nothing but that. I was left in the past with my past who was nothing but blank paper.

We stood there mesmerised by each others presents. His brown eyes were engraved into my brain. I had to go back home away from this danger away from all of this.
I felt like I couldn’t continue on living I had to stop somewhere.

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