Today we had a Duffy Assembly. We had two special guests, our Duffy role models. Their names were Cory and Joshua . Joshua had a speech which he wrote three years ago when he was 17, called "Brown Brother". His words of looking past stereotypes, his words of encouragement. Encouraging us to not be afraid of being the first to graduate,the first to do something good. He spoke of given expectation that people gave into it, expectation that people felt obliged to achieve for they had not been expected of other things. Good things.
It made me realise that there are more better ways. To not achieve bad expectations because it is all we are given. I learnt to ignore negative pre-conceived ideas. I was inspired to choose my own path, to be wise of my decisions and to be proud of my culture and heritage. His speech "Brown Brother" taught me to be more than what I am told I am. He taught me that my success and failures are not a cultural thing but depend on the choices I made
Your reflection is as inspiring to me as the original speech. I hope you hold those ideas close, Mavis as I believe you are capable of achieving anything you set out to achieve. :)