Merry Christmas!
I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Miss Kyla.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Monday, 10 December 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Netbook Reflection 2012
The positives that I experienced this year includes interacting with classmates when we need help.We also get to respond to amazing blog posts the were posted by our classmates or other students in the Manaiakalani cluster.We got to learn and create in a different process. We also got to progress in our goals inside and outside schools. This was possible because our blogs could be accessed anywhere and anytime. An abundant amount of achievements have been achieved by using our netbooks.We got to voice our learning on our blogs.One of the things we always learn is L.C.S which stands for learn,create,share.
Various amount of negatives occurred while using our netbooks.Such as disconnection and slow connection.There have been sometimes where there were easy access to games and some unnecessary websites during learning. Things that were really interesting were how we learnt how to keep the ability of solving our own problems as well as asking others. Having a netbook has really boosted our learning into the future.Thank you Manaiakalani.
I.T.K.D - Inter-national Tae Kwon Do
For our last session we were told to break two boards by a single kick. We firstly broke a not so hard board.Secondly we had to kick a much more harder board.Check it out!
Monday, 26 November 2012
What is your favourite Series or Movie?
Comment your favourite Series or Movie after viewing this post.
This term we have been studying statistics for Arithmetic A.K.A Maths. I asked them what their favourite Series or Movie was,they replied with a various amount of answers.This is my tally chart and my Column graph.
Thank you.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Saving Energy Persuasive Writing
Walt-Persuade others with our writing.
R-Rhetorical Question
R-Rhetorical Question
Why this?Why climate change?Are we doing the damage?
Everyday is a normal day until you get an unexpected surprise when the power bill arrives.I find it irritating that everyday we try and make a difference in OUR world by telling people. ‘To be warm this winter buy this heater for only two ninety nine.’ What about them?What about their world?If you don’t know who ‘them’ is look in Antarctica.Polar bears will soon have no ice!To walk on or to even hunt on.If the ice melts sea water will rise which cause floods and tsunamis.
Everybody has to point a finger at someone or something. They live.They walk.They breathe.They are part of this world. If water level rises pacific islands could be gone and washed away. For Eg: Tokalau is are small island and those people might lose their homes. Water will rise, drowning islands.
Do you know why hot days get really hot ? That is because there are many cars driving, planes flying and factories adding more co2 constantly puffing out smoke(Carbon Dioxide). This Co2 covers us all like a blanket which can cause droughts or even storms such as a cyclone which affect the bottom of the sea, coral reefs destroying homes for these sea creature. If we rewind this whole part of Co2 we can produce a better planet for us humans.
These power bills can be lowered. Complaints are always pouring in about ‘my power bill is rising and we haven’t done a single thing!’ Well you are leaving taps leaking, letting the lights light up room that’s already lit by the sun!This one day, I was helping my mum make a salad.Drip.Drop.Drip.Drop.Then...WHOOSH.I look at the tap.It was crying water.The drips and streams of water cascading down onto the bare sink.I looked at my mum calmly chopping cucumber into four quarters.I sighed ‘Turn off the’s wasting energy.’
Half the pie is bitter.That bitter half is us wasting energy twenty four seven.However on the other slice of the pie.Is a world a world where they use reusable light bulbs.More solar panels.They’ve expanded the use of wind mills.All these things generate power to our homes and to the world.Therefore we must save energy which can save the world.
We look at the stars wishing that the world could be a better place.We can make it a better place if we use renewable energy.
Where is this difference? But really...Who’s the difference?
R-Rhetorical Question
R-Rhetorical Question
Why this?Why climate change?Are we doing the damage?
Everyday is a normal day until you get an unexpected surprise when the power bill arrives.I find it irritating that everyday we try and make a difference in OUR world by telling people. ‘To be warm this winter buy this heater for only two ninety nine.’ What about them?What about their world?If you don’t know who ‘them’ is look in Antarctica.Polar bears will soon have no ice!To walk on or to even hunt on.If the ice melts sea water will rise which cause floods and tsunamis.
Everybody has to point a finger at someone or something. They live.They walk.They breathe.They are part of this world. If water level rises pacific islands could be gone and washed away. For Eg: Tokalau is are small island and those people might lose their homes. Water will rise, drowning islands.
Do you know why hot days get really hot ? That is because there are many cars driving, planes flying and factories adding more co2 constantly puffing out smoke(Carbon Dioxide). This Co2 covers us all like a blanket which can cause droughts or even storms such as a cyclone which affect the bottom of the sea, coral reefs destroying homes for these sea creature. If we rewind this whole part of Co2 we can produce a better planet for us humans.
These power bills can be lowered. Complaints are always pouring in about ‘my power bill is rising and we haven’t done a single thing!’ Well you are leaving taps leaking, letting the lights light up room that’s already lit by the sun!This one day, I was helping my mum make a salad.Drip.Drop.Drip.Drop.Then...WHOOSH.I look at the tap.It was crying water.The drips and streams of water cascading down onto the bare sink.I looked at my mum calmly chopping cucumber into four quarters.I sighed ‘Turn off the’s wasting energy.’
Half the pie is bitter.That bitter half is us wasting energy twenty four seven.However on the other slice of the pie.Is a world a world where they use reusable light bulbs.More solar panels.They’ve expanded the use of wind mills.All these things generate power to our homes and to the world.Therefore we must save energy which can save the world.
We look at the stars wishing that the world could be a better place.We can make it a better place if we use renewable energy.
Where is this difference? But really...Who’s the difference?
Monday, 19 November 2012
In my Magic Box
A few years ago in my class, we use to put our imagination down on paper,by creating our own Magic Box in our mind. I decided to visit this and see just how much magic was in my Magic Box.
In my Magic Box baboons screech at each other,warning them where they were going to swing.In my Magic Box bleach white birds harnessed with golden bridles swoop down low.In my Magic Box Caterpillar crawl anxiously across leaves.In my Magic Box .In my Magic Box a waterfall of chocolate cascades down onto the swirly white chocolate path.In my Magic Box a pavlova is my haven,my comfy bed..Happiness and colours explode frantically in the air like a big colossal war.In my Magic Box children play with their parents no matter how silly or embarrassing the game is.
In my Magic Box trees stage a show where the hula under the burning,hot sizzling sun.In my Magic Box dreams of heroic deeds and great successful achievements fly around the air.In my Magic Box I’m the pilot.In my Magic Box...Magic is real
In my Magic Box trees stage a show where the hula under the burning,hot sizzling sun.In my Magic Box dreams of heroic deeds and great successful achievements fly around the air.In my Magic Box I’m the pilot.In my Magic Box...Magic is real
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Long Live The Royal Family
Long Live The Royal Family
“Jalal your step-mother !She called she said she’d send you a letter about her journey!” The housemaid called.Knock knock.Jalal’s Maid ,Azamat went to answer the door. The doctor came into the large living room. “How’s my favourite patient?” “O.k,Doctor will I always be paralyzed?” The doctor sighed. “Yes Jalal” Jalal changed the subject “Mothers coming home in a few weeks.”
The doctor raised an eyebrow. “Really” Jalal nodded “The king told me he’d announce something about me on t.v” The doctor walked out,calling over his shoulder. “I’m going to talk to Azamat.”
His stare stabbed Azamat when he caught her in the hallway. “When are you blummin telling her!?” “What!?Tell her ,her Maid is really her mother!?Her brother is a prince and her father is a king!?” The doctor exploded. “What happens if the king and prince die?Eh? You gonna let the palace people waltz in and say ‘oh sorry for your loss?With the child not even knowing who she lost.They’ll all think she’s gone off her rocker!”
Jalal started wheeling her chair toward the kitchen. Azamat looked at Jalal as a daughter for the first time. “Jalal where are you going?” Azamat asked sweetly. Jalal replied “to the kitchen I’m going to ask cook for a sundae...can you prepare the elevator for me I’m going to take one up to big sister”
Faire came thundering down the stairs.Her sister grabbed her wheel chair and shouted. “We’re going to school.The two girls rushed out.Jalal winced as the wind slapped her face. She screeched “ why are we going so fast!?” “It’s our first day at -” Tires screeched....BOOM
a had crashed into the wheelchair.Sirens sounded in the background,already been warned.
The passenger in the car quivered as he got out to view the victim.He stared in horror at Faire and Jalal. My girls...would they find a king visiting them in hospital weird? The nurses came running forward with a stretcher.London,was stamped upon the ambulance. They grunted as they lifted Faires thirteen year old body into a separate ambulance.
The sirens dance off into the sunset.Smudging King Cuso with heartbreak. The chauffeur lent forward and muttered “We either tell her now or never.” The king nodded thinking about his wife,Azamat “it is time”
Two months later Jalal and Faire were both on crutches discharged,ready to go home.The King’s car was parked perfectly in front of their mansion.They all strolled in. Small sniffs were coming from the living room.The kings husky deep voice pounded the walls. “Come on Azamat!!We’ve got to tell them!” Azamats voice quavered “I know but I don’t want to tell her I’m their mother!!” “ Do you think it’s only you that feels that way?Huh?Listen as King I don’t want to tell them I’m their father either!” The King protested. Prince James hugged them closer.Azamat sniffed “look at the time!Now I’m late to pick them up” King cuso growled “Fine!I’ll walk you-” His voice was snapped off by scissors. Azamat wiped her eyes running out with her car keys.Azamat was startled when she saw the pair.Heads down.Tears cascading down their cheeks.Their blonde hair covered their blue eyes.Finally Jalal smashed the silence she glanced shakily at King Cuso. “Dad?” They all smiled as this was said.
“Prince James,a fair man of the nation,Princess Jalal,walker of the path of glory,Princess Faire,Princess of love and care,King Cuso,warrior of today and finally resuming her throne Queen Azamat!” A rebellious roar came up from the students of James’s Faire’s and Jalal’s school. A little boy came forward and announced loudly without shame. “Long live the royal family!”
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Faire Silvermetal-My Own Personal Robot
Faire Silvermetal
Faire Silvermetal's wings are like solar panels,only as wings.Her shoes and socks are geothermal.Her blue skirt represents how she absorbs wind and tidal power.Her hair is black for coal,which means it can be used as coal.To turn her on to be your friend you must pull her finger or say 'hi Faire' She is willing to listen and respond to your questions.She promises not to be rebellious in any situation.
Faire Silvermetal, is my own personal robot.
Thank you.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Methane Gas
As my reading task I had to learn about methane gas.Here is what I learnt.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Friday, 19 October 2012
Teaching Room 4 How To Use Laptops
This is me and my partner Paris.We go to do buddy learning on my laptop so that we could get her ready for future tests.It was fun doing this activity.The difficult part about this for me was to not touch the laptop and allow her to do it all.One thing that my partner found challenging was, doing it by her self.She is going to do well in future with her laptop.Good luck with the test next week Paris!
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Tangled with Team Work!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012
The wind poem
The wind poem
The wind dances through the air
Whipping leaves and shaking things alive
It lashes out as it crawls past rubbish
The wind sings a vicious melody.
-Room 8
-Room 8
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
NZ Shake out day
Today was New Zealand national shake out day.At 9.26 there was an earthquake drill.I was at my desk so I had to drop,cover and hold to be safe.One thing we did well at T.P.S was react quickly to the earthquake drill and bell.One thing I need to work on is the volume of the bell and when to come out from under our desk.The bell was very faint and could hardly be heard, until our teacher told us to drop cover and hold. Our meeting point is the hall.Remember in the event of an earthquake. Drop!Cover!Hold!
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
My name in ... !Sign Language!
Our awesome student teacher Whaea Annette taught us how to sign the Alphabet...
This is my name in sign language.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Monday, 10 September 2012
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Term 3 Science Observation
In Term 3 week 4,Room 8 we’re studying plants,we decided to go further in our research .So we created an experiment of our own. My group was given a kumara to observe for weeks. We made sure that the Kumara had water each morning and afternoon.We also made sure the water was clean. We gathered the appropriate materials:Two kumaras (one small and one large), four bamboo sticks(depending on the size of the cup and Kumara), one cup, and a plastic bowl for the big kumara .We poked all four bamboo sticks through the large Kumara and propped it on top of the plastic bowl.We put the small kumara in the cup without the bamboo to support it.We poured in water just enough to submerge the bottom of each of the kumara.We left the wet kumara near the window to indulge in the sun.The next day, we noticed that the big kumaras water had somehow vanished .So we watered it some more.On the way, whilst carrying the large kumara in it’s bowl we realised the bowl was leaking.We grabbed another bowl and sat the kumara with its leaking bowl inside.The day after that we noticed... it didn't change at all.It was a few weeks after that,that the miracle happened.I walked into school that morning and went to observe the Kumara.Like a doctor with a patient .I screamed “Hallelujah” !” “It’s grown fur.”Oh, wait I can see one small root sprouting.” This was exactly what me and my friends hypothesized.A few weeks later ,the root grew bigger and bigger.I discovered that it is possible for a small plant to produce more roots than a large plant.I also learnt that kumara can not only grow in soil and dirt.It can also grow in water too.The ending result was fur and one root sprouting.I felt shocked and delighted with the final outcome
-Mavis Tufuga
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Day 3 Science Investigation
The sun is shining onto the two kumaras. The small Kumara grew fur and roots.
The big Kumara also grew fur and roots.
My Future Questions
Now I am wondering..
- If something doesn't grow in one place do you replant it?
- What happens if
- you put a plant in different places every 5 days?
- Can plants use solar panels?
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Monday, 13 August 2012
Day 1 Observation
I observed the little kumara has sprouted baby roots and the big kumara has sprouted no roots because its water leaked out.(somehow)
My Future Questions
Now I am wondering...
My Future Questions
Now I am wondering...
Does size really matter?
- What would happen if you planted the same sized plant in different types of soil?
- Do different plants have different time limits in soil.
Friday, 10 August 2012
My Experiment
This is a photo me and my experiment. I hypothesise that the smaller Kumara will sprout roots
because it is still growing
My Basic Facts Progress
These are my basic facts scores out of one hundred for term 3 so far.
My goal for week 5 is to get 60.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Monday, 23 July 2012
Ardith Bayanna's birthday recount
Silence was carried by the wind as a deep and husky adult voice wove its way in and out of our ears.”Amen.” This was the sound of a prayer being said. My Aunty, Moeatino announced it was time to eat. Happy Meals were piled all over each other as if fighting over a place for who was being taken first.The scene of Auckland Botanic garden was a breathtaking scene.
Adults casually strolled over to the table as piles and piles of food came in. Stashes of candy scrambled all over the table. I got up from my seat and sprinted to the kitchen. My older cousin Revive asked me in a panicked but smooth tone, “ Mavis can you hand out these?”. Too late to answer I thought as he handed me two bowls of ice cream. We continued this routine for the rest of the day.
In the “kitchen” we drowned under pressure as mountains and mountains of ice cream vanished like magic. As I served more and more food to family and friends I started to feel like a child on the first day of kindgarden.
Music blasted through speakers so loud, I’m pretty sure you could hear It from Wellington. A thunderous voice exploded through the speaker saying. “The floor is open to the 5 yr olds.” Me and my cousin exchanged cautious glances before running on to join 5 yr olds. Me and my cousin, Victoria finally realised what we were doing and slithered back to the “kitchen.”
My aunty yelled over the music. “Time to cut the cake Bayanna.” Bayanna’s eyes flickered open at the promising sound of cake.The knife flew like an eagle through the cake as if decent prey was hidden inside.A roar went up from the children, parents and even strangers.
A few hours later after the food disappeared,my Aunty confirmed. “Thank you all for coming it’s been wonderful having you here celebrating Bayanna’s birthday.We’d now like to close it with a prayer.” When he finished saying a prayer. Everyone jumped up and tucked in their chairs. As if tucking their hands in their pockets.
Streams of people floated toward Bayanna. We weaved our way through the visitors and escaped through the door We (my family and my sister's partner) walked out of the garden and jumped into the car lounging all over the place after a tiring day. I stared out of the window dazed asking my self . “Did the party leave or did I leave the party ?...”
Adults casually strolled over to the table as piles and piles of food came in. Stashes of candy scrambled all over the table. I got up from my seat and sprinted to the kitchen. My older cousin Revive asked me in a panicked but smooth tone, “ Mavis can you hand out these?”. Too late to answer I thought as he handed me two bowls of ice cream. We continued this routine for the rest of the day.
In the “kitchen” we drowned under pressure as mountains and mountains of ice cream vanished like magic. As I served more and more food to family and friends I started to feel like a child on the first day of kindgarden.
Music blasted through speakers so loud, I’m pretty sure you could hear It from Wellington. A thunderous voice exploded through the speaker saying. “The floor is open to the 5 yr olds.” Me and my cousin exchanged cautious glances before running on to join 5 yr olds. Me and my cousin, Victoria finally realised what we were doing and slithered back to the “kitchen.”
My aunty yelled over the music. “Time to cut the cake Bayanna.” Bayanna’s eyes flickered open at the promising sound of cake.The knife flew like an eagle through the cake as if decent prey was hidden inside.A roar went up from the children, parents and even strangers.
A few hours later after the food disappeared,my Aunty confirmed. “Thank you all for coming it’s been wonderful having you here celebrating Bayanna’s birthday.We’d now like to close it with a prayer.” When he finished saying a prayer. Everyone jumped up and tucked in their chairs. As if tucking their hands in their pockets.
Streams of people floated toward Bayanna. We weaved our way through the visitors and escaped through the door We (my family and my sister's partner) walked out of the garden and jumped into the car lounging all over the place after a tiring day. I stared out of the window dazed asking my self . “Did the party leave or did I leave the party ?...”
Friday, 20 July 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Movie Magic
This term our topic is Movie magic .
This is what we learnt while we filmed and acted in front of the Camera
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Interview presentation
Room 8 got the chance to interview some Movie makers who entered into the 48 hour Movie competion. Here is what the thought.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
My Movie Evaluation.
I think that a clear script is the most important element to movie making because...
Your actor won’t be able to act if they don’t even know their line and which line they say first if it’s all over the place..
I put good editing and a range of camera shots second because...
If the actor makes a mistake you can edit and cut the moments he made a mistake in and with a range of camera shots you can see over the shoulder and make it look like your looking in the actor/or actress eyes.
I think the least important element is a flash camera because...
people aren’t looking at the camera , the camera is filming the acting not doing the acting. Having a flash camera is hard to use because you’ve got to see which button zooms in or stop/ starts filming.
Other important elements that aren’t included here are...
My biggest lightbulb moment while learning about movie magic was...
When we were coming up with our big message for our movie and how we were going to connect with the audience by using our dialogue because we wanted them to know that they can stand up to bullies.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Room 8 Speeches
Room 8 have been studying Movie Magic. Part of making movies, is speaking clearly. We put this into practice by planning, crafting, practicing and presenting speeches. The topics we chose, were topics that would influence the thinking of others. We hope you enjoy!
My Speech.
How did you feel about presenting your speech to the class?
I felt a bit scared but while I said my speech I got the hang of it .
What was the hardest part about preparing a speech?
Thinking about true facts and to say it without sounding like a robot on break down.
What did you enjoy most about speeches?
I liked how we got to choose our message that we wanted to say and how our classmates really supported us.
How could you improve your speech making next time?
By making more eye contact.
Shade in the squares to give your speech a rating out of TEN:
I felt a bit scared but while I said my speech I got the hang of it .
What was the hardest part about preparing a speech?
Thinking about true facts and to say it without sounding like a robot on break down.
What did you enjoy most about speeches?
I liked how we got to choose our message that we wanted to say and how our classmates really supported us.
How could you improve your speech making next time?
By making more eye contact.
Shade in the squares to give your speech a rating out of TEN:
Monday, 28 May 2012
Room 8'S Possible Speech Idea's
We are going to start writing speeches.Here is
our brainstorm of possible topics.We to create this brainstorm.Can you think of any more ideas?
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
The Dream Of The Island
Wednesday 23rd May, 2012
The Dream Of The Century
One toasting hot day in the golden bay of Fiji, where the wonders of dreams come true and take a person on a peaceful journey, people would start to sleep. These dreams were created in the mind of the poor people.,because that was all they could afford.
Lying lifelessly on the beach was an old man.This old man believed in the myth of dreams coming true, all he had dreamed of all those years was the power to fly. His mind travelled to the peak of the highest cliff in Fiji. His short wrinkly legs had drifted across across the bumpy rocky cliff.
John launched himself off the cliff and soared through the sky like a cannonball. His parachute soon became a blanket for a branch of a ruffled tree,beneath the lowest cloud. He screamed for help scanning the chocolate brown floor for anyone. He panicked with fear at the thought that he would never escape. He screeched for help one last time,his hope sinking like the orange sun before his old eyes. His eyes slowly slipped closed with exhaustion.
John woke to a start hearing a crunching sound from the pitch, black forest floor.”Hello?”John called out desperately. “Anybody out there?”He repeated.
“Yes,it’s me Ridvan,but who are you?”She asked shivering “It’s John Smith. “ He replied. A shining torch beamed at the tree he was suspended on. “Ohh, you’re stuck in a tree. I never saw you there!” Ridvan laughed.
John Smith called out “Yes,I am. Now can you get me down or at least tell my wife Azamat.” He looked down and saw Ridvan sprinting across the muddy floor, she shouted “I’m going to get your wife!”John’s eyes shimmered with hope one more time.
“John, it’s me, Azamat.I came with the fire department. They're going to extend a ladder for you to climb down,you got that?” She explained curiously, “Yup”cackled John.The firemen yanked the ladder off the top of the truck and the lengthened it until it reached the tip of Johns toes. John unhooked the parachute from the branch and slowly climbed down. He held his arm open for Azamat to run and hug him. That is exactly what she did.
Ridvan stood there with tears trickling down her face at the sight of her neighbors safety.
John started to stir as water from the waves slithered up and down his legs. John stood up and casually walked off the beach.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Friday, 11 May 2012
Thursday, 10 May 2012
We used to compare movies from Manaiakalani to see weather they influenced or entertained us. If you'd like to check out some of these movies click on the link:
Banana's Play.
We really enjoyed watching the Bananas perform there play! Check it out and leave a comment!
Mavis And Jayden
This is me and class mate Jayden .We both won artist awards! I thought I would share their good news with you. Room 8 kids rock!
Monday, 7 May 2012
Room 8 Movie

Friday, 4 May 2012
Persuasive Writing
Tamaki College -Thriller
Do you like having your veins giggle with fear? Well ,you’ll feel it once more because this movie was made just for you .
Thriller is a movie that will be giving you nightmares for the rest of your life . This movie takes place in a range of places . For example Glen innes A.K.A G.I and Tamaki College.
Children love this movie because of their bloodthirsty characters hunting people changing them into ... ZOMBIES! The costumes are as real as can be.You should watch this because it will give children a fun time.
Your children won’t be bothering you. When they start watching this movie, again for the thrills and the horrors.It’s also a movie for you and your kid and watch on a rainy day.
Obviously you’d like your veins to giggle with fear.Your brothers and sister to stop bothering you.If you’d like to watch this click on the link below.
Do you like having your veins giggle with fear? Well ,you’ll feel it once more because this movie was made just for you .
Thriller is a movie that will be giving you nightmares for the rest of your life . This movie takes place in a range of places . For example Glen innes A.K.A G.I and Tamaki College.
Children love this movie because of their bloodthirsty characters hunting people changing them into ... ZOMBIES! The costumes are as real as can be.You should watch this because it will give children a fun time.
Your children won’t be bothering you. When they start watching this movie, again for the thrills and the horrors.It’s also a movie for you and your kid and watch on a rainy day.
Obviously you’d like your veins to giggle with fear.Your brothers and sister to stop bothering you.If you’d like to watch this click on the link below.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Term 2 Learning Goals
These are my learning goals for term 2!
To get to the next level I need to:
To get to the next level I need to:
- Use inference to understand what the characters are feeling and get a clearer picture of scenes and situations in the text.
- Ask questions before, during and after a story, finding information to build understanding.
- Predict how characters might react to problems they encountered
To get to the next level I need to:
- Check my use of homonyms (there, their, they’re/your, you’re/bare, bear)
- Refine my story and plan – taking out what is not necessary and keeping it simple.
To get to the next level I need to:
- Continue the order of a pattern and write the rule.
- Use the mathematical symbols =, <, >
- Write and solve story problems using fractions.
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