
Friday, 3 June 2011

Maori Village Description

I hit the ground with my eyes opening wide admiring the view. I stood up and dusted my clothes off then I looked at the village with their rotten fences with white creamy blankets lying dead on the fence. I got distracted when I walked through the gates because people started eying me out like I had come from another planet...but I had come from another time. My clothes were were red and when I saw them staring at me I blushed as red as my t-shirt.

I strolled some more then I froze in my tracks. I heard the poi smashing against each other then all the men shouting with their thunderous voices. Then I heard the ladies singing smoothly with their soft voices. I heard birds’ wings flapping hard as they were chirping away like a buzzing bee. One of the ladies saw me and rushed towards and said “Kei te waiata maatou.” I did not know what she said. There was an awkward silence until we heard the stomping and the swishing of the piupiu like a ballerina darting around.

I walked some more until I could not bare it. The smoke of the hangi was welcoming me to the side of the whare kai. The men were hurrying around grabbing all the manuka wood they saw. I started coughing when I smelt the smoke. With the nice smell of chicken, pork (pig) and the other delicious things, I let out a ”Mmmmm..’’ I went closer to the whare kai. I felt the low roof top brush against my head. After 7 hours, the hangi was cooked! I saw a wave of people storming into the whare kai waiting to be fed, but they could not eat until they had said the karakia.

I ran out side to see that the time travelling machine had returned to take me back. I shouted “Haere ra!” To the village. I smiled and then I closed my eyes and I was flashed away.

The time machine finally let my feet touch the ground and my teacher Miss Kyla came running out with Room 8. She asked me “ How was the trip? We have a million questions to ask!”

“Then what happened?” My sister asked butting in. I replied “Well they all asked me questions then we went back to work.” “Amazing...” My sister whispered into my ears “Yes.” I agreed


  1. Fabulous writing Mavis! Your choice of powerful describing words has given me a really clear picture in my mind about your trip back in time. Keep up the great work!

    Mrs Anderson :-)

  2. Oh oh, you did two weres. Well, that was a good desciption Mavis, I can see what is happenning in my mind.
